Yes, I made it after all this time (6 Looooong years)...
I'm on eBays Pulse under folk art..
I'm doing the Happy dance!
Over 60 watchers at this time.. Wow, I never dream this day would come. I know most of you are thinking "what's the big deal"?, Really no big Deal to any of you. It was just a goal I set for myself and believed it would happen one day.
The e-mails have been pouring in some buyers but mostly from sellers.. Their words have been very kind and I'm taken back just a bit..
One buyer said why don't I make Santas full time? Hmmmm, now there is a thought....
I asked to be apart of two primitive online magazines but I haven't heard anything back from anyone.. I guess their too busy to answer e-mails, Oh well No big deal anyway.
Be Thankful for what you have. Don't forget who gave it to you, Give thanks to God every day!
Blessings, Mae
CONGRATULATIONS on meeting your goal! Your santa is wonderful.
Congrats Mae on your goal. You are a very talented artist. God bless you.
Thank you both!
Blessings, Mae
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